SWEP Three Rivers will host "A Conversation with Cheryl Moon-Sirianni, PE, District Executive, PennDOT District 11." Cheryl has the tremendous responsibility to manage the 2nd largest PennDOT district in the state. Her district covers 570 miles of state highway, 2,804 bridges, and four tunnels in Allegheny, Beaver, and Lawrence counties. Beginning her career as a civil engineer trainee at PennDOT, she is the first woman to serve as the District Executive for District 11. Join us as we hear about new PennDOT initiatives to strengthen communities and diversify the workforce as well as learn more about Cheryl’s journey to leadership and her efforts to build relationships to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system.
Registration and Networking begin at 8:00 a.m. Breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. and the Program begins at 8:45 a.m.
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Three Rivers Society of Women Environmental Professionals
A 501(c)(6) nonprofit corporation
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PO Box 10355
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
(412) 275-8002