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The Conversation Continues on April 4

Monday, March 19, 2018 4:00 PM | Anonymous

The Society of Women Environmental Professionals (SWEP) - Three Rivers Chapter is pleased to host "A Conversation with Cheryl Moon-Sirianni" on Wednesday, April 4th. For women engineers in the Pittsburgh region, Cheryl is well-known for achieving professional success while serving as a role model for maintaining a work-life balance and promoting workforce diversity. Cheryl grew up in Freeport, studied civil engineering at Penn State, and began her career as a civil engineer trainee at PennDOT. Her talent and work ethic have helped Cheryl rise among the ranks of a male-dominated transportation industry. She was recognized for her professional accomplishments last November when PennDOT Secretary Leslie Richards appointed Cheryl as the District Executive for PennDOT District 11.

As the District Executive, Cheryl is the first woman to oversee what could be one of the most challenging transportation networks in Pennsylvania. The District, which includes Allegheny, Beaver, and Lawrence counties along with over 200 different local governments, is synonymous with roads, bridges, and for those of us who drive in and around Pittsburgh, tunnels. By itself, Allegheny County has the largest roadway system in the Commonwealth and is home to employment centers that attract hundreds of thousands of commuters every day. All three counties have unique aspects that must be considered as PennDOT shares responsibility for the ownership and maintenance of this extensive transportation system with its local government partners.

The role our state agencies play in maintaining our infrastructure is largely understated because many are unaware of what they do and the challenges they face. And, when you think access and mobility within our communities, to our jobs, you begin to realize just how fundamental a safe and efficient transportation system is to our economy, environment, and quality of life. Managing the demands of such a large infrastructure network coupled with our region’s steep slopes and soil composition presents other considerations. Rain, snow, or runoff can lead to emergencies such as landslides and flooding requiring rapid response, while also contributing to potholes and general road deterioration.

Now responsible for 800 workers and over $305 million in construction projects, Cheryl’s institutional knowledge of PennDOT and expertise in engineering and planning will help her address these challenges proactively. Join SWEP Three Rivers as we hear about new PennDOT initiatives to strengthen communities and diversify the workforce and learn more about Cheryl’s leadership in delivering a safe and efficient transportation system.  

Please visit the event page to register today!

Event Details

When: Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Where: DoubleTree Green Tree, 500 Mansfield Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Registration and networking begin at 8:00 a.m. We will serve breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and our Conversation with Cheryl begins at 8:45 a.m.

Join the Conversation!

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Three Rivers Society of Women Environmental Professionals

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