Ms. McNally is an engineer and project manager with 15 years of experience in environmental compliance, investigation, and remediation of contaminated sites, including fuel-related hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, and military munitions in various market sectors, including manufacturing, transportation, oil and gas, and the United States federal government. Ms. McNally has managed environmental compliance, including waste management and reporting, hazardous materials, and air and stormwater permit compliance. She has developed sustainable remediation frameworks, including programmatic guidance for a portfolio of sites and a comprehensive sustainability analysis for a large sediment Superfund remediation site.
At Geosyntec, Ms. McNally led the firm’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, developing recommendations for Geosyntec’s internal sustainability programs, including implementation and rollout of the internal Sustainability SharePoint site, employee engagement through a corporate volunteering initiative, and the Office Sustainability Coordinator network. Ms. McNally served on the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) Board of Trustees from 2013 through 2015 and has presented at numerous national and international conferences on the topic of sustainable remediation. She served on the Board of the Society of Women Environmental Professionals (SWEP) Three Rivers Chapter from 2018 through 2021 and is excited to return to a leadership position with SWEP.