Renée Krynock
Renée Krynock is an
Environmental Scientist at A.D. Marble. She has a B.S. in Environmental Science
from Chatham University, as well as an M.S. degree in Environmental Science and
Management, with a concentration in Conservation Biology, from Duquesne
University. There, she also worked as coordinator for a well water quality
research study, conducted throughout western and central Pennsylvania. At A.D.
Marble, her specialties include wetland delineation, GIS mapping, NEPA
clearance (including Section 4(f) coordination), permitting, and construction
management. She’s worked on projects ranging from wetland bank monitoring to
streetscape improvement to the statewide P3 Rapid Bridge Replacement Project
(RBRP). With 8 years of experience in this industry, she is excited
to help bridge the gap between mentors and mentees, and create meaningful,
mutually-beneficial relationships.